Monday, September 5, 2011

Back In The Playground:)

Its just an incredibly indescribable feeling to be back with your old friends in your school,meeting again a midst the familiar sights and smell.We have got together a couple of times after graduating from school,once from school itself,but nothing can compare with spending an entire day in their company,walking through the same corridors,and eating lunch together again.You just feel helplessly happy,and want to treasure every single moment of it. And you never want to leave-not ever. Even romance and ogling at boys have a special pleasure when you do it from school,and I guess its because everything about school is so much more innocent than any other place of your life.It has got so much of a quality of home to it,that you always go back to it,no matter how far you have gone in life. And I did feel I was back home when I went back to school for our alumni meet on Saturday,3rd of September.Even though everyone of us felt that being an organized event,things got a bit too formal,I get a feeling that we would have been happy even if we have been told to sit silent,just talking with our eyes. I keep writing words,but the truth is that I am not able to describe this feeling inside me,this feeling of having a seized a piece of the wonderful,carefree past one more time. And it was added bonus to meet again the next day,for our classmate Aysha's marriage.I really missed the ones who weren't there on both the days. I only hope we get more moments like this in the future,and they are all there to add to their preciousness. And I hope that getting married or settled in life is not going to hinder our friendship,but keep it safe all through all our lives,something to treasure and rely on always.