Monday, October 3, 2011

Election Hunga(aaaargh!!!!)ma!

 One of the biggest differences between your 1st and 2nd year at college is that when the elections come around,you get to BE in it,and not just a (literally innocent) bystander. The difference comes not just from the fact that you don't just cast your votes but ask for them,but from the truth that you start to learn about The Game.You get familiar with the little tricks involved in elections,and learn to drive yourselves hard. To add to my rich experiences of life,this year I could be a candidate as secretary for the English association. I contested from the SIO panel,a small but honest and committed group. To tell the truth,campaigning for elections is not a very pleasant experience.First of all,you feel like a complete hypocrite for smiling and chitchatting with people you had not formerly tried to make any bonds with. This might not have been true for all the candidates,but it was painfully true in my case. Secondly,you realize that you are gradually becoming a complete pain in the *** for all your voters,what with the constant nagging and calling and request for votes. I tried to keep it as short as possible,but was then reminded that it would be a mistake. Fortunately for me,this year's campaigning time was really short. I cannot imagine the horrors of having to campaign for an entire week(sometimes more)!!!You make infinite number of calls,but happily get to meet and know a lot of people you would have otherwise had little chance of knowing. At least,in my case,the number of voters was limited,but it extended to hundreds and thousands for the candidates contesting for the general posts!
The polling day came around after what seemed like an unending week of phone calls,class visits,panel writing and running after people,added with deep prayer sessions,on  a sunny day. Unlike last year,there seemed to be greater weight in my actions when I voted this year,and my hands were trembling slightly,a feeling many of my friends shared. Standing on my toes the whole morning waiting for the voting time to end so that I can finally,totally relax,I somehow managed to stay around till exactly 12.30,when voting closed. To be frank,you feel a kind of relief even when results are not out because you realize that you have done everything there is to be done. We all went out and had a snack and juice,a party treat.
A lot of disappointment was waiting for us when the results did come out late in the afternoon. I was one of the causalities myself,losing(i m still not sure about the figures) to Mohammad Rineesh of 3rd semester MA English  My friend Roshni was another one,but she had not expected any victory,even though we all had. The biggest disappointment was our general secretary candidate Azad's defeat,by a really,miserably,small margin. But what we immediately failed to see in our shock was that we had managed to pull off a miracle. Not only did our candidate Amal win the Vice Chairman post,but Azad had got a total vote of 490 in a campus where only around 100 SIO workers were there,and the political scenario had been a completely dominated one. My friend Farzi was another one who could reap a victory this year from our panel. Even though we suffered disappointments,I really have to admire the fortitude with which all of them faced the results,choosing to celebrate over the miracle of Amals victory rather that mourn Azad's painful defeat. The whole result was a little topsy-turvy this year,with the usually dominant MSF winning the union by a hair's breadth.A kind of anti-MSF feeling was palpable in the air,and a lot of incidents took place to reinforce that feeling. But even when a lot of undesirable things took place for us,nothing was as unnecessary or lamentable as the fight that finally broke out over at the college,significantly more violent than the usual pushing and shoving. Whatever their political affiliations,it does not augur well when students who share the same campus air choose to take sticks and stones not just to each other,but even their teachers,who should be treated with a respect that falls nothing short of reverence. With this anti-climax,this year's elections offer all of us a lot of bitter memories,even as it had been an enriching and priceless experience.

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